ry string is passed through esc_attr() to ensure that it is safe
* for placing in an HTML attribute.
* @since 2.1.0
function the_search_query() {
* Filters the contents of the search query variable for display.
* @since 2.3.0
* @param mixed $search Contents of the search query variable.
echo esc_attr( apply_filters( 'the_search_query', get_search_query( false ) ) );
* Gets the language attributes for the 'html' tag.
* Builds up a set of HTML attributes containing the text direction and language
* information for the page.
* @since 4.3.0
* @param string $doctype Optional. The type of HTML document. Accepts 'xhtml' or 'html'. Default 'html'.
* @return string A space-separated list of language attributes.
function get_language_attributes( $doctype = 'html' ) {
$attributes = array();
if ( function_exists( 'is_rtl' ) && is_rtl() ) {
$attributes[] = 'dir="rtl"';
$lang = get_bloginfo( 'language' );
if ( $lang ) {
if ( 'text/html' === get_option( 'html_type' ) || 'html' === $doctype ) {
$attributes[] = 'lang="' . esc_attr( $lang ) . '"';
if ( 'text/html' !== get_option( 'html_type' ) || 'xhtml' === $doctype ) {
$attributes[] = 'xml:lang="' . esc_attr( $lang ) . '"';
$output = implode( ' ', $attributes );
* Filters the language attributes for display in the 'html' tag.
* @since 2.5.0
* @since 4.3.0 Added the `$doctype` parameter.
* @param string $output A space-separated list of language attributes.
* @param string $doctype The type of HTML document (xhtml|html).
return apply_filters( 'language_attributes', $output, $doctype );
* Displays the language attributes for the 'html' tag.
* Builds up a set of HTML attributes containing the text direction and language
* information for the page.
* @since 2.1.0
* @since 4.3.0 Converted into a wrapper for get_language_attributes().
* @param string $doctype Optional. The type of HTML document. Accepts 'xhtml' or 'html'. Default 'html'.
function language_attributes( $doctype = 'html' ) {
echo get_language_attributes( $doctype );
* Retrieves paginated links for archive post pages.
* Technically, the function can be used to create paginated link list for any
* area. The 'base' argument is used to reference the url, which will be used to
* create the paginated links. The 'format' argument is then used for replacing
* the page number. It is however, most likely and by default, to be used on the
* archive post pages.
* The 'type' argument controls format of the returned value. The default is
* 'plain', which is just a string with the links separated by a newline
* character. The other possible values are either 'array' or 'list'. The
* 'array' value will return an array of the paginated link list to offer full
* control of display. The 'list' value will place all of the paginated links in
* an unordered HTML list.
* The 'total' argument is the total amount of pages and is an integer. The
* 'current' argument is the current page number and is also an integer.
* An example of the 'base' argument is "http://example.com/all_posts.php%_%"
* and the '%_%' is required. The '%_%' will be replaced by the contents of in
* the 'format' argument. An example for the 'format' argument is "?page=%#%"
* and the '%#%' is also required. The '%#%' will be replaced with the page
* number.
* You can include the previous and next links in the list by setting the
* 'prev_next' argument to true, which it is by default. You can set the
* previous text, by using the 'prev_text' argument. You can set the next text
* by setting the 'next_text' argument.
* If the 'show_all' argument is set to true, then it will show all of the pages
* instead of a short list of the pages near the current page. By default, the
* 'show_all' is set to false and controlled by the 'end_size' and 'mid_size'
* arguments. The 'end_size' argument is how many numbers on either the start
* and the end list edges, by default is 1. The 'mid_size' argument is how many
* numbers to either side of current page, but not including current page.
* It is possible to add query vars to the link by using the 'add_args' argument
* and see add_query_arg() for more information.
* The 'before_page_number' and 'after_page_number' arguments allow users to
* augment the links themselves. Typically this might be to add context to the
* numbered links so that screen reader users understand what the links are for.
* The text strings are added before and after the page number - within the
* anchor tag.
* @since 2.1.0
* @since 4.9.0 Added the `aria_current` argument.
* @global WP_Query $wp_query WordPress Query object.
* @global WP_Rewrite $wp_rewrite WordPress rewrite component.
* @param string|array $args {
* Optional. Array or string of arguments for generating paginated links for archives.
* @type string $base Base of the paginated url. Default empty.
* @type string $format Format for the pagination structure. Default empty.
* @type int $total The total amount of pages. Default is the value WP_Query's
* `max_num_pages` or 1.
* @type int $current The current page number. Default is 'paged' query var or 1.
* @type string $aria_current The value for the aria-current attribute. Possible values are 'page',
* 'step', 'location', 'date', 'time', 'true', 'false'. Default is 'page'.
* @type bool $show_all Whether to show all pages. Default false.
* @type int $end_size How many numbers on either the start and the end list edges.
* Default 1.
* @type int $mid_size How many numbers to either side of the current pages. Default 2.
* @type bool $prev_next Whether to include the previous and next links in the list. Default true.
* @type string $prev_text The previous page text. Default '« Previous'.
* @type string $next_text The next page text. Default 'Next »'.
* @type string $type Controls format of the returned value. Possible values are 'plain',
* 'array' and 'list'. Default is 'plain'.
* @type array $add_args An array of query args to add. Default false.
* @type string $add_fragment A string to append to each link. Default empty.
* @type string $before_page_number A string to appear before the page number. Default empty.
* @type string $after_page_number A string to append after the page number. Default empty.
* }
* @return string|string[]|void String of page links or array of page links, depending on 'type' argument.
* Void if total number of pages is less than 2.
function paginate_links( $args = '' ) {
global $wp_query, $wp_rewrite;
// Setting up default values based on the current URL.
$pagenum_link = html_entity_decode( get_pagenum_link() );
$url_parts = explode( '?', $pagenum_link );
// Get max pages and current page out of the current query, if available.
$total = isset( $wp_query->max_num_pages ) ? $wp_query->max_num_pages : 1;
$current = get_query_var( 'paged' ) ? (int) get_query_var( 'paged' ) : 1;
// Append the format placeholder to the base URL.
$pagenum_link = trailingslashit( $url_parts[0] ) . '%_%';
// URL base depends on permalink settings.
$format = $wp_rewrite->using_index_permalinks() && ! strpos( $pagenum_link, 'index.php' ) ? 'index.php/' : '';
$format .= $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ? user_trailingslashit( $wp_rewrite->pagination_base . '/%#%', 'paged' ) : '?paged=%#%';
$defaults = array(
'base' => $pagenum_link, // http://example.com/all_posts.php%_% : %_% is replaced by format (below).
'format' => $format, // ?page=%#% : %#% is replaced by the page number.
'total' => $total,
'current' => $current,
'aria_current' => 'page',
'show_all' => false,
'prev_next' => true,
'prev_text' => __( '« Previous' ),
'next_text' => __( 'Next »' ),
'end_size' => 1,
'mid_size' => 2,
'type' => 'plain',
'add_args' => array(), // Array of query args to add.
'add_fragment' => '',
'before_page_number' => '',
'after_page_number' => '',
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
if ( ! is_array( $args['add_args'] ) ) {
$args['add_args'] = array();
// Merge additional query vars found in the original URL into 'add_args' array.
if ( isset( $url_parts[1] ) ) {
// Find the format argument.
$format = explode( '?', str_replace( '%_%', $args['format'], $args['base'] ) );
$format_query = isset( $format[1] ) ? $format[1] : '';
wp_parse_str( $format_query, $format_args );
// Find the query args of the requested URL.
wp_parse_str( $url_parts[1], $url_query_args );
// Remove the format argument from the array of query arguments, to avoid overwriting custom format.
foreach ( $format_args as $format_arg => $format_arg_value ) {
unset( $url_query_args[ $format_arg ] );
$args['add_args'] = array_merge( $args['add_args'], urlencode_deep( $url_query_args ) );
// Who knows what else people pass in $args.
$total = (int) $args['total'];
if ( $total < 2 ) {
$current = (int) $args['current'];
$end_size = (int) $args['end_size']; // Out of bounds? Make it the default.
if ( $end_size < 1 ) {
$end_size = 1;
$mid_size = (int) $args['mid_size'];
if ( $mid_size < 0 ) {
$mid_size = 2;
$add_args = $args['add_args'];
$r = '';
$page_links = array();
$dots = false;
if ( $args['prev_next'] && $current && 1 < $current ) :
$link = str_replace( '%_%', 2 == $current ? '' : $args['format'], $args['base'] );
$link = str_replace( '%#%', $current - 1, $link );
if ( $add_args ) {
$link = add_query_arg( $add_args, $link );
$link .= $args['add_fragment'];
$page_links[] = sprintf(
* Filters the paginated links for the given archive pages.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $link The paginated link URL.
esc_url( apply_filters( 'paginate_links', $link ) ),
for ( $n = 1; $n <= $total; $n++ ) :
if ( $n == $current ) :
$page_links[] = sprintf(
esc_attr( $args['aria_current'] ),
$args['before_page_number'] . number_format_i18n( $n ) . $args['after_page_number']
$dots = true;
else :
if ( $args['show_all'] || ( $n <= $end_size || ( $current && $n >= $current - $mid_size && $n <= $current + $mid_size ) || $n > $total - $end_size ) ) :
$link = str_replace( '%_%', 1 == $n ? '' : $args['format'], $args['base'] );
$link = str_replace( '%#%', $n, $link );
if ( $add_args ) {
$link = add_query_arg( $add_args, $link );
$link .= $args['add_fragment'];
$page_links[] = sprintf(
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/general-template.php */
esc_url( apply_filters( 'paginate_links', $link ) ),
$args['before_page_number'] . number_format_i18n( $n ) . $args['after_page_number']
$dots = true;
elseif ( $dots && ! $args['show_all'] ) :
$page_links[] = '' . __( '…' ) . '';
$dots = false;
if ( $args['prev_next'] && $current && $current < $total ) :
$link = str_replace( '%_%', $args['format'], $args['base'] );
$link = str_replace( '%#%', $current + 1, $link );
if ( $add_args ) {
$link = add_query_arg( $add_args, $link );
$link .= $args['add_fragment'];
$page_links[] = sprintf(
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/general-template.php */
esc_url( apply_filters( 'paginate_links', $link ) ),
switch ( $args['type'] ) {
case 'array':
return $page_links;
case 'list':
$r .= "
$r .= implode( "
", $page_links );
$r .= "
$r = implode( "\n", $page_links );
* Filters the HTML output of paginated links for archives.
* @since 5.7.0
* @param string $r HTML output.
* @param array $args An array of arguments. See paginate_links()
* for information on accepted arguments.
$r = apply_filters( 'paginate_links_output', $r, $args );
return $r;
* Registers an admin color scheme css file.
* Allows a plugin to register a new admin color scheme. For example:
* wp_admin_css_color( 'classic', __( 'Classic' ), admin_url( "css/colors-classic.css" ), array(
* '#07273E', '#14568A', '#D54E21', '#2683AE'
* ) );
* @since 2.5.0
* @global array $_wp_admin_css_colors
* @param string $key The unique key for this theme.
* @param string $name The name of the theme.
* @param string $url The URL of the CSS file containing the color scheme.
* @param array $colors Optional. An array of CSS color definition strings which are used
* to give the user a feel for the theme.
* @param array $icons {
* Optional. CSS color definitions used to color any SVG icons.
* @type string $base SVG icon base color.
* @type string $focus SVG icon color on focus.
* @type string $current SVG icon color of current admin menu link.
* }
function wp_admin_css_color( $key, $name, $url, $colors = array(), $icons = array() ) {
global $_wp_admin_css_colors;
if ( ! isset( $_wp_admin_css_colors ) ) {
$_wp_admin_css_colors = array();
$_wp_admin_css_colors[ $key ] = (object) array(
'name' => $name,
'url' => $url,
'colors' => $colors,
'icon_colors' => $icons,
* Registers the default admin color schemes.
* Registers the initial set of eight color schemes in the Profile section
* of the dashboard which allows for styling the admin menu and toolbar.
* @see wp_admin_css_color()
* @since 3.0.0
function register_admin_color_schemes() {
$suffix = is_rtl() ? '-rtl' : '';
$suffix .= SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
_x( 'Default', 'admin color scheme' ),
array( '#1d2327', '#2c3338', '#2271b1', '#72aee6' ),
'base' => '#a7aaad',
'focus' => '#72aee6',
'current' => '#fff',
_x( 'Light', 'admin color scheme' ),
admin_url( "css/colors/light/colors$suffix.css" ),
array( '#e5e5e5', '#999', '#d64e07', '#04a4cc' ),
'base' => '#999',
'focus' => '#ccc',
'current' => '#ccc',
_x( 'Modern', 'admin color scheme' ),
admin_url( "css/colors/modern/colors$suffix.css" ),
array( '#1e1e1e', '#3858e9', '#33f078' ),
'base' => '#f3f1f1',
'focus' => '#fff',
'current' => '#fff',
_x( 'Blue', 'admin color scheme' ),
admin_url( "css/colors/blue/colors$suffix.css" ),
array( '#096484', '#4796b3', '#52accc', '#74B6CE' ),
'base' => '#e5f8ff',
'focus' => '#fff',
'current' => '#fff',
_x( 'Midnight', 'admin color scheme' ),
admin_url( "css/colors/midnight/colors$suffix.css" ),
array( '#25282b', '#363b3f', '#69a8bb', '#e14d43' ),
'base' => '#f1f2f3',
'focus' => '#fff',
'current' => '#fff',
_x( 'Sunrise', 'admin color scheme' ),
admin_url( "css/colors/sunrise/colors$suffix.css" ),
array( '#b43c38', '#cf4944', '#dd823b', '#ccaf0b' ),
'base' => '#f3f1f1',
'focus' => '#fff',
'current' => '#fff',
_x( 'Ectoplasm', 'admin color scheme' ),
admin_url( "css/colors/ectoplasm/colors$suffix.css" ),
array( '#413256', '#523f6d', '#a3b745', '#d46f15' ),
'base' => '#ece6f6',
'focus' => '#fff',
'current' => '#fff',
_x( 'Ocean', 'admin color scheme' ),
admin_url( "css/colors/ocean/colors$suffix.css" ),
array( '#627c83', '#738e96', '#9ebaa0', '#aa9d88' ),
'base' => '#f2fcff',
'focus' => '#fff',
'current' => '#fff',
_x( 'Coffee', 'admin color scheme' ),
admin_url( "css/colors/coffee/colors$suffix.css" ),
array( '#46403c', '#59524c', '#c7a589', '#9ea476' ),
'base' => '#f3f2f1',
'focus' => '#fff',
'current' => '#fff',
* Displays the URL of a WordPress admin CSS file.
* @see WP_Styles::_css_href() and its {@see 'style_loader_src'} filter.
* @since 2.3.0
* @param string $file file relative to wp-admin/ without its ".css" extension.
* @return string
function wp_admin_css_uri( $file = 'wp-admin' ) {
if ( defined( 'WP_INSTALLING' ) ) {
$_file = "./$file.css";
} else {
$_file = admin_url( "$file.css" );
$_file = add_query_arg( 'version', get_bloginfo( 'version' ), $_file );
* Filters the URI of a WordPress admin CSS file.
* @since 2.3.0
* @param string $_file Relative path to the file with query arguments attached.
* @param string $file Relative path to the file, minus its ".css" extension.
return apply_filters( 'wp_admin_css_uri', $_file, $file );
* Enqueues or directly prints a stylesheet link to the specified CSS file.
* "Intelligently" decides to enqueue or to print the CSS file. If the
* {@see 'wp_print_styles'} action has *not* yet been called, the CSS file will be
* enqueued. If the {@see 'wp_print_styles'} action has been called, the CSS link will
* be printed. Printing may be forced by passing true as the $force_echo
* (second) parameter.
* For backward compatibility with WordPress 2.3 calling method: If the $file
* (first) parameter does not correspond to a registered CSS file, we assume
* $file is a file relative to wp-admin/ without its ".css" extension. A
* stylesheet link to that generated URL is printed.
* @since 2.3.0
* @param string $file Optional. Style handle name or file name (without ".css" extension) relative
* to wp-admin/. Defaults to 'wp-admin'.
* @param bool $force_echo Optional. Force the stylesheet link to be printed rather than enqueued.
function wp_admin_css( $file = 'wp-admin', $force_echo = false ) {
// For backward compatibility.
$handle = str_starts_with( $file, 'css/' ) ? substr( $file, 4 ) : $file;
if ( wp_styles()->query( $handle ) ) {
if ( $force_echo || did_action( 'wp_print_styles' ) ) {
// We already printed the style queue. Print this one immediately.
wp_print_styles( $handle );
} else {
// Add to style queue.
wp_enqueue_style( $handle );
$stylesheet_link = sprintf(
esc_url( wp_admin_css_uri( $file ) )
* Filters the stylesheet link to the specified CSS file.
* If the site is set to display right-to-left, the RTL stylesheet link
* will be used instead.
* @since 2.3.0
* @param string $stylesheet_link HTML link element for the stylesheet.
* @param string $file Style handle name or filename (without ".css" extension)
* relative to wp-admin/. Defaults to 'wp-admin'.
echo apply_filters( 'wp_admin_css', $stylesheet_link, $file );
if ( function_exists( 'is_rtl' ) && is_rtl() ) {
$rtl_stylesheet_link = sprintf(
esc_url( wp_admin_css_uri( "$file-rtl" ) )
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/general-template.php */
echo apply_filters( 'wp_admin_css', $rtl_stylesheet_link, "$file-rtl" );
* Enqueues the default ThickBox js and css.
* If any of the settings need to be changed, this can be done with another js
* file similar to media-upload.js. That file should
* require array('thickbox') to ensure it is loaded after.
* @since 2.5.0
function add_thickbox() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'thickbox' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'thickbox' );
if ( is_network_admin() ) {
add_action( 'admin_head', '_thickbox_path_admin_subfolder' );
* Displays the XHTML generator that is generated on the wp_head hook.
* See {@see 'wp_head'}.
* @since 2.5.0
function wp_generator() {
* Filters the output of the XHTML generator tag.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $generator_type The XHTML generator.
the_generator( apply_filters( 'wp_generator_type', 'xhtml' ) );
* Displays the generator XML or Comment for RSS, ATOM, etc.
* Returns the correct generator type for the requested output format. Allows
* for a plugin to filter generators overall the {@see 'the_generator'} filter.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $type The type of generator to output - (html|xhtml|atom|rss2|rdf|comment|export).
function the_generator( $type ) {
* Filters the output of the XHTML generator tag for display.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $generator_type The generator output.
* @param string $type The type of generator to output. Accepts 'html',
* 'xhtml', 'atom', 'rss2', 'rdf', 'comment', 'export'.
echo apply_filters( 'the_generator', get_the_generator( $type ), $type ) . "\n";
* Creates the generator XML or Comment for RSS, ATOM, etc.
* Returns the correct generator type for the requested output format. Allows
* for a plugin to filter generators on an individual basis using the
* {@see 'get_the_generator_$type'} filter.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $type The type of generator to return - (html|xhtml|atom|rss2|rdf|comment|export).
* @return string|void The HTML content for the generator.
function get_the_generator( $type = '' ) {
if ( empty( $type ) ) {
$current_filter = current_filter();
if ( empty( $current_filter ) ) {
switch ( $current_filter ) {
case 'rss2_head':
case 'commentsrss2_head':
$type = 'rss2';
case 'rss_head':
case 'opml_head':
$type = 'comment';
case 'rdf_header':
$type = 'rdf';
case 'atom_head':
case 'comments_atom_head':
case 'app_head':
$type = 'atom';
switch ( $type ) {
case 'html':
$gen = '';
case 'xhtml':
$gen = '';
case 'atom':
$gen = 'WordPress';
case 'rss2':
$gen = '' . sanitize_url( 'https://wordpress.org/?v=' . get_bloginfo_rss( 'version' ) ) . '';
case 'rdf':
$gen = '';
case 'comment':
$gen = '';
case 'export':
$gen = '';
* Filters the HTML for the retrieved generator type.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$type`, refers to the generator type.
* Possible hook names include:
* - `get_the_generator_atom`
* - `get_the_generator_comment`
* - `get_the_generator_export`
* - `get_the_generator_html`
* - `get_the_generator_rdf`
* - `get_the_generator_rss2`
* - `get_the_generator_xhtml`
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $gen The HTML markup output to wp_head().
* @param string $type The type of generator. Accepts 'html', 'xhtml', 'atom',
* 'rss2', 'rdf', 'comment', 'export'.
return apply_filters( "get_the_generator_{$type}", $gen, $type );
* Outputs the HTML checked attribute.
* Compares the first two arguments and if identical marks as checked.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param mixed $checked One of the values to compare.
* @param mixed $current Optional. The other value to compare if not just true.
* Default true.
* @param bool $display Optional. Whether to echo or just return the string.
* Default true.
* @return string HTML attribute or empty string.
function checked( $checked, $current = true, $display = true ) {
return __checked_selected_helper( $checked, $current, $display, 'checked' );
* Outputs the HTML selected attribute.
* Compares the first two arguments and if identical marks as selected.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param mixed $selected One of the values to compare.
* @param mixed $current Optional. The other value to compare if not just true.
* Default true.
* @param bool $display Optional. Whether to echo or just return the string.
* Default true.
* @return string HTML attribute or empty string.
function selected( $selected, $current = true, $display = true ) {
return __checked_selected_helper( $selected, $current, $display, 'selected' );
* Outputs the HTML disabled attribute.
* Compares the first two arguments and if identical marks as disabled.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param mixed $disabled One of the values to compare.
* @param mixed $current Optional. The other value to compare if not just true.
* Default true.
* @param bool $display Optional. Whether to echo or just return the string.
* Default true.
* @return string HTML attribute or empty string.
function disabled( $disabled, $current = true, $display = true ) {
return __checked_selected_helper( $disabled, $current, $display, 'disabled' );
* Outputs the HTML readonly attribute.
* Compares the first two arguments and if identical marks as readonly.
* @since 5.9.0
* @param mixed $readonly_value One of the values to compare.
* @param mixed $current Optional. The other value to compare if not just true.
* Default true.
* @param bool $display Optional. Whether to echo or just return the string.
* Default true.
* @return string HTML attribute or empty string.
function wp_readonly( $readonly_value, $current = true, $display = true ) {
return __checked_selected_helper( $readonly_value, $current, $display, 'readonly' );
* Include a compat `readonly()` function on PHP < 8.1. Since PHP 8.1,
* `readonly` is a reserved keyword and cannot be used as a function name.
* In order to avoid PHP parser errors, this function was extracted
* to a separate file and is only included conditionally on PHP < 8.1.
if ( PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100 ) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/php-compat/readonly.php';
* Private helper function for checked, selected, disabled and readonly.
* Compares the first two arguments and if identical marks as `$type`.
* @since 2.8.0
* @access private
* @param mixed $helper One of the values to compare.
* @param mixed $current The other value to compare if not just true.
* @param bool $display Whether to echo or just return the string.
* @param string $type The type of checked|selected|disabled|readonly we are doing.
* @return string HTML attribute or empty string.
function __checked_selected_helper( $helper, $current, $display, $type ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.FunctionDoubleUnderscore,PHPCompatibility.FunctionNameRestrictions.ReservedFunctionNames.FunctionDoubleUnderscore
if ( (string) $helper === (string) $current ) {
$result = " $type='$type'";
} else {
$result = '';
if ( $display ) {
echo $result;
return $result;
* Assigns a visual indicator for required form fields.
* @since 6.1.0
* @return string Indicator glyph wrapped in a `span` tag.
function wp_required_field_indicator() {
/* translators: Character to identify required form fields. */
$glyph = __( '*' );
$indicator = '' . esc_html( $glyph ) . '';
* Filters the markup for a visual indicator of required form fields.
* @since 6.1.0
* @param string $indicator Markup for the indicator element.
return apply_filters( 'wp_required_field_indicator', $indicator );
* Creates a message to explain required form fields.
* @since 6.1.0
* @return string Message text and glyph wrapped in a `span` tag.
function wp_required_field_message() {
$message = sprintf(
/* translators: %s: Asterisk symbol (*). */
sprintf( __( 'Required fields are marked %s' ), wp_required_field_indicator() )
* Filters the message to explain required form fields.
* @since 6.1.0
* @param string $message Message text and glyph wrapped in a `span` tag.
return apply_filters( 'wp_required_field_message', $message );
* Default settings for heartbeat.
* Outputs the nonce used in the heartbeat XHR.
* @since 3.6.0
* @param array $settings
* @return array Heartbeat settings.
function wp_heartbeat_settings( $settings ) {
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
$settings['ajaxurl'] = admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php', 'relative' );
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$settings['nonce'] = wp_create_nonce( 'heartbeat-nonce' );
return $settings;
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_bloginfo() in /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-content/plugins/creame-whatsapp-me/includes/class-joinchat-util.php:405
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-content/plugins/creame-whatsapp-me/includes/class-joinchat.php(134): Joinchat_Util::can_gutenberg()
#1 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-content/plugins/creame-whatsapp-me/includes/class-joinchat.php(54): Joinchat->define_gutenberg_hooks()
#2 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-content/plugins/creame-whatsapp-me/joinchat.php(54): Joinchat->__construct()
#3 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-content/plugins/creame-whatsapp-me/joinchat.php(60): run_joinchat()
#4 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-settings.php(526): include_once('/var/www/html/d...')
#5 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-config.php(126): require_once('/var/www/html/d...')
#6 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/var/www/html/d...')
#7 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-blog-head in /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-content/plugins/creame-whatsapp-me/includes/class-joinchat-util.php on line 405