turn array|false { * Extension details. * * @type string $slug The extension slug. This is the plugin or theme's directory. * @type string $type The extension type. Either 'plugin' or 'theme'. * } */ protected function get_extension_for_error( $error ) { global $wp_theme_directories; if ( ! isset( $error['file'] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! defined( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR' ) ) { return false; } $error_file = wp_normalize_path( $error['file'] ); $wp_plugin_dir = wp_normalize_path( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ); if ( str_starts_with( $error_file, $wp_plugin_dir ) ) { $path = str_replace( $wp_plugin_dir . '/', '', $error_file ); $parts = explode( '/', $path ); return array( 'type' => 'plugin', 'slug' => $parts[0], ); } if ( empty( $wp_theme_directories ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $wp_theme_directories as $theme_directory ) { $theme_directory = wp_normalize_path( $theme_directory ); if ( str_starts_with( $error_file, $theme_directory ) ) { $path = str_replace( $theme_directory . '/', '', $error_file ); $parts = explode( '/', $path ); return array( 'type' => 'theme', 'slug' => $parts[0], ); } } return false; } /** * Checks whether the given extension a network activated plugin. * * @since 5.2.0 * * @param array $extension Extension data. * @return bool True if network plugin, false otherwise. */ protected function is_network_plugin( $extension ) { if ( 'plugin' !== $extension['type'] ) { return false; } if ( ! is_multisite() ) { return false; } $network_plugins = wp_get_active_network_plugins(); foreach ( $network_plugins as $plugin ) { if ( str_starts_with( $plugin, $extension['slug'] . '/' ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Stores the given error so that the extension causing it is paused. * * @since 5.2.0 * * @param array $error Error details from `error_get_last()`. * @return bool True if the error was stored successfully, false otherwise. */ protected function store_error( $error ) { $extension = $this->get_extension_for_error( $error ); if ( ! $extension ) { return false; } switch ( $extension['type'] ) { case 'plugin': return wp_paused_plugins()->set( $extension['slug'], $error ); case 'theme': return wp_paused_themes()->set( $extension['slug'], $error ); default: return false; } } /** * Redirects the current request to allow recovering multiple errors in one go. * * The redirection will only happen when on a protected endpoint. * * It must be ensured that this method is only called when an error actually occurred and will not occur on the * next request again. Otherwise it will create a redirect loop. * * @since 5.2.0 */ protected function redirect_protected() { // Pluggable is usually loaded after plugins, so we manually include it here for redirection functionality. if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_safe_redirect' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/pluggable.php'; } $scheme = is_ssl() ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $url = "{$scheme}{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"; wp_safe_redirect( $url ); exit; } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'WP_Recovery_Mode' not found in /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-includes/error-protection.php:153 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-settings.php(518): wp_recovery_mode() #1 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-config.php(126): require_once('/var/www/html/d...') #2 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/var/www/html/d...') #3 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/var/www/html/d...') #4 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/index.php(17): require('/var/www/html/d...') #5 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-includes/error-protection.php on line 153

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'WP_Recovery_Mode' not found in /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-includes/error-protection.php:153 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php(54): wp_recovery_mode() #1 [internal function]: WP_Fatal_Error_Handler->handle() #2 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/dportilho.com.br/web/wp-includes/error-protection.php on line 153